Collection of E-Waste

Collection of E-Waste

We buy all types of Obsolete Electrical and Electronics materials from Homes & Organisations in bulk quantity. We are authorized and licensed by the Uttar Pradesh State Pollution Control Boards

Why E-Waste Recycling

Why E-Waste Recycling

E-waste broadly covers waste from all electronic and electrical appliances and contains different hazardous materials which are harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of carefully.

All Category Materials

All E-Waste Materials

We deal in all Materials which are termed as E-waste, It lists of chemicals that are harmful to people and the environment, like mercury, lead, beryllium, brominated flame retardants, and cadmium.

Handling and management of e-waste.

Why proper handling and management of e-waste is required? .

E-waste broadly covers waste from all electronic and electrical appliances and contains different hazardous materials which are harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of carefully. While some naturally occurring substances are harmless in nature, their use in the manufacture of electronic equipment often results in compounds which are hazardous for example chromium becomes chromium VI …..

We are Licensed to Recycle

We are licensed in this business since last 2 decades and have full know how and logistics

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Reputed Clients

We have catered to most reputed corporate clients from all over India.

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Best Valuation

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We are always educating the Consumers with our Clean Campaigns on the benefits of professional recycling and create efficient take-back management systems for producers.


Think about environment

 e-Waste contains harmful chemicals such as cathode rays, beryllium, barium, nickel, arsenic, lead and mercury. When these chemicals are broken down in landfills, they tend to leak these hazardous materials into both the air and soil creating an extremely unhealthy environment.

Recycle is a good mission

There are companies that will take old electronics, take them apart, and separate and recycle the materials inside – like plastic, glass, and metals. Many of these materials can then be used to make new products. Contact us as good are India’s best ewaste recycler.

Find Us

Ozone Waste Management is an initiative of India’s E-Waste Management & Handling Company. We at Ozone Waste provide comprehensive E-waste Management & Handling services on a PAN Indian basis.

Office Address:-
 440 B, Patel Marg, Near Rohan Motors,
Ghaziabad- 201001, U.P.
Email us :
Mobile : +91-9643201316